Thursday, January 30, 2014

I love my life and what I am doing!

(In response to telling Ryan someone he home taught has cancer), he said:  She will be in my prayers. Tell her that I love her and hope that she gets better soon, and that Christ knows how she feels because he suffered for this sickness that she has right now. With the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ she will find peace in Him, and that everything will be okay.
 This week was a great week.  We worked really hard and walked very quickly to visit everyone. I love looking back at all of my experiences of my mission, I can´t believe all that has happened, all that I have learned, and all that I have changed. We are working hard and are content with all of the work that we are doing. I love this work and the thought of finishing my mission, is a very dreadful thought. I love my life and what I am doing! Take care!
Love Elder Cannon    
P.S.  Elder Porter is a great missionary.  He only has six months in the mission. He is a wrestler.  We are starting to do work outs a little bit more intense in the mornings.  That is really good for me. We get a long really well and we are really excited to work together. This is a photo of my companion and me in the house of Geovani.   

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New companion

This week was really good and my companion left to a smaller branch. I am going to stay in Nueva Galicia and today I received Elder Porter, he is from Syracuse Utah. He is still pretty new, he has six months on his mission. I am his third companion and I am really excited to work with him. He is a great missionary, very humble and loving. Everyone said that I was going to train in this transfer, I guess I got lucky.  I am really excited for the future and to get to work. The heat is starting to come back, I am starting to get more used to the heat. I feel like I am changing quite a bit for the better. I absolutely love my mission, I already have 9 months in Mexico and a little over 10 months from when I entered the MTC. Time is not fair, I can´t wait until the next life when time won´t matter. Time felt like it went by so slow while I was waiting for my mission, but now it is cruising. I learned that time goes by slow when you are waiting for things to happen, but while you are working hard and enjoying your time, it flies.  I love you guys, I love my mission, I love my companion, I love my calling and more than anything I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I feel like I am understanding a little bit more his Atonement, and that I am applying it more in my life. Thanks for the letter it made me really happy. I love you guys and hope that all is well. Take Care!
Love Elder Cannon

More advice Ryan has for his brothers:

Remember to say your personal prayers, every single morning and night. It is a commandment and it will prepare you to be a great missionary. One chapter a day of the Book of Mormon, if you still haven´t started make a progress chart and have Mom help you. You need to be start preparing for your mission, I regret all lot of things that I didn´t do while I was younger, you have the opportunity to do it now. Be Diligent and Obedient, Work Hard and prepare for the best two years of your life. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This week was amazing, I had the most spiritual experience of my life. We baptized Alejandra, her husband Humberto, and their sons Jahir and Carlos. They were so chosen and progressed so fast. When I arrived to this area, there wasn´t anyone that was progressing, the third or fourth day in this area we contacted Alejandra. The story behind them is that one of the members in our ward, Hermana Rocio, wanted to invite people to a church activity. She invited a lot of people and everyone rejected her. She went to the church and prayed asking that God would show her who she should invite to the activity. After the prayer she saw Alejandra washing dishes, went up to her and invited her to the activity. Alejandra came to the activity and then she was a reference for us to contact.  It is such a miracle of a story! She has a lot of friendships in the church and I felt so blessed to teach them. When we taught Alejandra she took notes and learned very well.  One day I asked Jahir  if he wants to be a missionary, he said of course, that is why I want to get baptized.  I asked him where he wants to go on his mission and he said Utah, so that he can visit me. Humberto has already read about 5 chapters of the book teachings of the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, and has read quite a bit of the Book of Mormon. They live right in front of the church. The baptism was very spiritual.  The first speaker was Hermana Rocio.  She told us about the story of how they met and about the Holy Ghost. The second speaker was Hermana Lupita, who spoke very powerfully.  I am not going to lie I cried a little bit. The speakers spoke about the temple and that is where they can be sealed forever with their family. Their next goal is to be sealed in the temple.
      On Sunday they all received the Holy Ghost.  For the first time in my life I confirmed someone a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and it was a really special experience for me. This is why I am here on my mission, even though I have suffered a lot, IT IS WORTH IT! I have never felt the spirit so strongly in my entire life, it felt so great. I want you guys to know that I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and it is perfect. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of GOD, to restore the same church that Jesus Christ established while he was on the earth. I also have a testimony about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  When I feel sad or discouraged that I need to understand that Jesus Christ suffered for my sins and pains, he knows exactly how I feel, and that if I put my Faith in him everything will be all right. It all depends on how I use my Agency, I need to be the one that puts my Faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. I love this Gospel and the Savior more than anything in the world. God has blessed me so much on my mission, that I cannot even begin to express my gratitude. I love the Spirit, I love you guys and hope that you have a fantastic week.
Love Elder Cannon 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Years!

My week was really awesome.  For new years eve we were invited to two parties at members homes. We ate 12 grapes at midnight and wished for 12 wishes.  That  is what the people do in Mexico.   I honestly missed being with you guys for the new year playing card games until 12 am. I got a little bit sick this week, but I am starting to feel a little better. This week was really good and I am done with the parties and ready to work.

 We are going to have baptisms on Friday, and I am so excited for them.  There haven't been very many people in their houses, but now they should have all returned.   On tuesday I received your package for Christmas, it was so awesome, and it made me so very happy. I gave most of the gifts away.  They are way awesome, and the people really like the Squirmle. Thanks for the gifts, I could not believe how many presents that you sent me. I love you.  Stay warm and bundle up.
Love Elder Cannon